Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Evolution is foolish

For Reo's required Bible Study class as part of his curriculum from the homeschool program, my Episcopalian husband has taken the reigns. I figured it would be good for both of them if Reo's dad taught him since he's a Christian, and then Reo could continue meditating with me and we'd have additional dialogue about different world religions, what they all have in common, and how they differ.

It may be important to note that Reo feels somewhat insulted by the Bible Study coursework. It's too young for him with coloring and puzzles that have obvious answers. The purpose of the workbook is to make the answers easy so children can repeat the information without being wrong, challenged, or frustrated by the "problems" for each lesson. However, Reo prefers to be challenged so his work leaves him feeling accomplished. He has not caught on that this is programming, not teaching.

My husband has already needed to jump over information that's been provided in the lessons so Reo is not given information that is horribly wrong and blatantly offensive to both of us.

This is a snapshot from the Teacher's Manual. The lesson was about the Wisemen who brought Jesus gifts after his birth. The lesson took a turn to discussing the importance of being wise and not being foolish. This is not a bad concept, however, they took the opportunity to proclaim an example of foolishness that is both Scientifically unfounded and downright offensive.

"Foolish - [...] believing in evolution" set alongside disobeying your parents and playing in the street, Christian Liberty Press and Christian Liberty Academy expect us to tell our eight year old this anti-science, anti-fact garbage and liken it to putting his life in danger or being defiant?

No. Just, no.

If you are wondering, that snippet of text at the bottom of the image is explaining that an example of being wise is believing that God created the universe, as well as reading the Bible, and looking both ways before crossing the street.

This is going to be an interesting school year. I am certain that I unintentionally gave my husband the hardest part.

1 comment:

  1. You have GOT to toss this shit. I'd also demand a refund. This people should not be supported by intelligent people. Honestly, I don't think they should be allowed to publish accredited educational materials.
