Thursday, January 15, 2015

No Opinion Required

Exploring Early American history, DrS was given a lecture on the life and work of Alexander Hamilton. I give open forum lectures, allowing interruption with questions and comments, especially jokes. This encourages an engaged dialogue which fosters learning and sparks an interest in the subject matter beyond the lecture and documenting test.

This lesson continues for a couple hours while we explore the complexity and humanity of Alexander Hamilton's life, accomplishments, and mistakes. He was not the villaneous schemer portrayed in HBO's mini-series, John Adams, nor was he any kind of angel. Like any individual, Alexander Hamilton was affected by life experience and the people around him.

As we conclude, DrS says, "I don't know what the message is here. Am I supposed to like him or not like him?"

Personally, I like Alexander Hamilton. Not everyone has the same opinion as me. So, I teach facts, not opinions. There are more than enough facts about Hamilton's life and work that my opinion is entirely irrelevant to the lesson. DrS has to form his own opinion.

The following hour was a discussion about his opinion on various aspects of Hamilton's triumphs and failures. DrS will only be tested on the facts.

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